1. Bintulu, the Sarawak Oil Town
27 April, 2009
Arrived at Bintulu, after a three hours journey from Mukah is really tiring. Luckily the hotel we stayed, Park City Everly Hotel is really a good hotel; some say that it is the best hotel in Bintulu based on its location facing on the estuary of Sg. Kenyana.
Not much story on my Diary as we are in rush. Not much places visited and it was more to official job. I heard lots about Bintulu; Taman Tumbina, LNG, Taman Similajau, etc…I have been to LNG in 2008 but cannot tell the details as I was also on official duties during the launching of SCORE.
Looking for special foods? Ho ho… it’s the best place for those like the exotic foods...
Unfortunately, I just cannot remember where did I put my photos in Bintulu .... It might be the sign that I am getting older...
- Mukah, the future Smart City
30th April, 2009
I finished up my official duty at Bintulu. Mission completion! I waked up early, just cannot wait too long to arrived at Mukah.
Working here for almost eight years, of course I have seen lot of changes. From the Cowboy Town in early millennium, the great burning of old town, upgrading to Division from a small District, and now the future Smart City of Sarawak.
Some land marks completed in Mukah are; Menara Pehin Setia Raja (a 12-storey state government office) and the Yellow Bridge (an arch steel bridge crossing Batang Mukah) as the gateway to Mukah).
Don’t surprise that most of the architectures in Mukah has “terandak” shape on its roof. Sometime it is too many and becoming no more special for me. Maybe has to try something else as the landmarks? I am always thinking on it...
Mukah now is good for those who like the adventures journey on swampy-jungle, river cruising, cultural explorations, fishing, exotic local foods and sea food.
- Sibu, the future third City in Sarawak
10th May, 2009
Working on Sunday is always my last choice. I just received a fax letter calling for a meeting at Samarahan on 11th of May, 2009. Fuhhh… I just ready for my trip to Betong and Sri Aman on the 10th and this is just come on short time notice. It is an important meeting which i have to attend anyway.
Driving from Mukah to Sibu is also always my last choice. At least two hours spend on the Mukah-Selangau Road which is still under construction. To the road users, be patient, drive carefully and ready for a massage when you reach Sibu.
Sibu, the third largest town in Sarawak after Kuching City and Miri City is popular for its status as the floating town. It is not derision, I believed but the Government now are looking seriously on the preventive measurements.
I don’t have much time at Sibu, I even cannot see any specials as it I am too often travelling to the “Sibow Town”. “Sibow” is a type of wild rambutan fruit in Iban language. In next few years, we hope that Sibu will be declared as the third City of Sarawak.
- Sarikei, the Nanas Town
Sibu to Sarikei take me on the road for less than two hours. Crossing on two major bridges in Sarawak namely Lanang Bridge and Sg Nyelong Bridge which just completed recently gives me new traveling experience to Sarikei.
Mppphh… I took a cup of coffee and buy few pieces of 4d before adjourned my long journey to Kuching. It is about four in the evening, and I better rush!
My observation is that; this town is almost dead, not much development! Its either the potential tourism spot are not developed or there are no interesting places in Sarikei. Am I too vocal? Sorry for that.. than.
- Kuching, the CATpital City of Sarawak
The small City of Kuching, anyway is the largest City in Borneo. A beautiful City with lots of tourism spots to visits. As I am originally from Kuching, I could not see any specials of the City. I just get used living in the isolated town where the traffic and human jam is not our core business, I hate the situation here.
Once in a blue moon, I am happy. Just for shopping for my Gawai and Christmas.
- Samarahan, the Uni-town
My trip is just more to reunion with my one and only University (so far). Wah ha… I lost my way, lot of changes, new roads, new towns, traffic lights, etc… My meeting takes about two hours before I continue my journey reveals the new-look Samarahan. My former wooden quarters is still there, but now used by the army for their training ground? I am not very sure. The old temporary wooden campus is still there, the buildings are the mothers of professionals and managers. I am proud to be one of them!
Staying in Samarahan? No place to stay than…
- Sri Aman, the symbol of peace
Under the colonists, it is known as Simanggang, a name that still being used by the local here. For outsiders like me, I am more familiar to call it Sri Aman. Interesting replica on the gateway, when I thought that “dugong” is the replica for Sri Aman. Ha ha… I am just too tired, driving about four hours from Kuching and arrived about one hour before midnight. It is actually a replica of tidal bore (benak) which could only be seen in several places in the world. Sri Aman is one of them.
It just a small town but brings big meaning to the formation of Malaysia. I spend two nights where I could not find and special in Sri Aman, maybe I need more time on my holiday but not for official duties.
Another interesting story on my diary is that, I spent some times to look for my hotel entrance. My driver lost and me lost maybe due to tiring mind. Once we found it, I received a "mock key"... He he ...I can assure you that this hotel is comfortable to stay and the service are excellence.
- Betong, Sarawak youngest brother

Another surprised for me. My last visit to Betong is five years ago, when Betong is still structuring itself as a new Division. Nowadays, it is totally different indeed. Construction is everywhere, and the new airplane-shape Government Administrative Centre is located at one of the hill. Amazing architecture! Iban language is the mother tongue here, and one for sure, there is a traffic light now. Fuhh…
Gold Arawana thanks his colleagues and his "quality" team who spent the valuable times on the 8 divisions. Working together in team, overcome all the challenges, and enjoy once the works completed is one of my great moment to remember...