Thursday, July 16, 2009

Gold Arawana's Collection....

Gold Arawana is not a journalist or a professional photographer, but he has thousands or millions of words to say, and another thousands or millions of opinions to point out. However, most of the time he just speechless...because he is just nobody to anybody...Some says that photo is meaningful than thousands of words.....and this is one way to express his feelings...

Parenting on "HUMANitute" ... Always try to follow advices and experiences of the eldest...

Or you will lost in this lost world...

COTTON is normally white...

They were originally white too...

Some are HOMELESS....because they have nowhere to stay...

And some are abundant their home...because they can stay anywhere

Skodeng....thanks to the advance technologies...

But do not misused the technology to "skodeng" others doing his private business...

Malaysian parable says; "Patah tumbuh, hilang berganti"

But most of the times we need to "cut off" and control the "grow".... or otherwise they will keep growing, extra growing and extra-ordinary growing like this "forest rain", and it will be out of control. It is just my personal opinion, anyway....


cass said...

rindu meda kambin begagai...

Toh Chee Leong's Collections said...

Wai, macam rasa masuk Panggung Perdana tengok wayanglah.

Kalah lah aku ini. Toh Chee Leong's Collection akan lebih hebat di masa akan datang. Wish me lucklah. Janganlah sebut skodeng sahaja.

Nanti lu skodeng, saya tangkap lu.

Maka aku tidak tahu apa yang sebenarnya telah berlaku.

Saya dan aku mana ada beza. Ia tetap insan yang buat nakal...hahahah

Gold Arawana said...


Thanks madi...kambing Tanjung Manis nya...

Gold Arawana said...

Brader Toh...

Nobody is better than anybody.

Everybody has his/her own strengths and weaknesses.

Toh Chee Leong's Collections said...

Tuhan memang adil dan saksama.

Maka sama-sama menikmati itu kelemahan dan kekuatan.

Gold Arawana said...

Brader Toh,

I am agree... Kekuatan boleh jadi kelemahan dan kelemahan sebenarnya adalah permulaan kepada kekuatan.

Gold Arawana said...

Brader Jako Aja;

I am not very sure my opinion, I always translate it as the new word in Malay language which referring to bad intention...